Welcome to the latest edition of LOCKDOWN LEARNING offering online CPD PRESENTATIONS to keep you technically updated and informed during these strange times.

We hope you are well, staying safe, keeping busy and trying to operate as normal as possible?

Obviously, we are currently unable to stage the DCE
Meet the EXPERTS regional events so these CPD online opportunities will, hopefully, help?

In order to see any or all of these presentations simply click the link for each talk and the individual companies will make contact to arrange suitable and mutually agreeable time slots.

Please STAY SAFE AND ALERT. We will keep advising more online presentations until we are able to return to 'normal' DCE action.

Best Wishes
Steve Hilton
Online CPD presentations

An essential Guide to Safe, Practical and Aesthetic Roof, Wall and Floor Access Solutions

Join our RIBA-accredited CPD seminar on Tuesday 29th September @ 1.00pm:
'An Essential Guide to Safe, Practical and Aesthetic Roof, Wall and Floor Access Solutions' delivering the highest standards in fire performance without compromising on architectural design.

Join Lorient for a week of informative CPD webinars to support Fire Door Safety Week

As a leading designer & manufacturer of acoustic, smoke & fire containment systems for door assemblies. Lorient have proudly supported FDSW since its inception. The annual campaign is run by the BWF; and is designed to increase public understanding of the role that fire doors play in protecting life and poverty.

Throughout the week (21-27 September) Lorient's team of experts will be presenting live CPD webinars on topics relating to fire safety.

The webinars include:
The Design & Specification of Air Transfer Grilles/Dampers:
Tuesday 22nd Sept 11am
The Role & Performance of Fire & Smoke Resisting Door Assemblies:
Wed 23rd Sept 11am
Ironmongery for Fire & Escape Doors:
Thurs 24th Sept 10am
Understanding the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 & its implications for Fire Doors:
Thurs 24th Sept 11am

The Metal Roofing & Manufacturers Association (MCRMA)

The Metal Roofing & Manufacturers Association (MCRMA) online CPD programme covers a range of topics within the metal building envelope sector.

The 12 CPDs include:
  • Wind Loading
  • Aluminium Fabrications
  • Fasteners
  • Mineral Wool Installation

Improve your knowledge of metal rainwater systems with the Metal Gutter Manufacturers Association's (MGMA) online CPD programme

Five topics which cover aluminium and cast-iron rainwater systems; inspection and maintenance; eaves gutter installation and rainfall intensity.

Limited Access Foundations from Target Fixings

Join the experts THIS THURSDAY for a FREE webinar discussing the issues of installing foundations in areas with limited space.
Last few places available.
Please forward to any relevant colleagues
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Our mailing address is:
DCE - The Oaks, Wesleyan Road, Ashley, Shropshire TF9 4JT
Tel: 01630 673000 Fax: 01630 673247
Email: info@dcecpd.co.uk  Web: www.dcecpd.co.uk