Cavity Trays
PreFormed Cavity Trays and Flashings

In the 1920’s a West Country family of builders started fabricating “dampcourses and other devices to allay the fears of the unpredictable and volatile English climate”. Today the fourth generation of the same family continue the tradition.
The Company is now called Cavity Trays Limited and can claim more experience, more case histories and more know-how than any other company in this specialised field.
Cavity Trays Limited is the first and only tray manufacturer awarded European Technical Approval – there is no higher standard.
Cavitrays with high performance categorisation are accompanied with product performance liability, for the benefit of Architect, Builder and Client.
Presentation Details:
This presentation deals with approved cavitrays for sloping and horizontal abutments, both new and remedial applications.
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This presentation is provided by Cavity Trays.
Administration Centre, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8HU
Email: [email protected]

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